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Welcome to ActStudios - registration

Please fill in the form below to register for our program.

Student Information

Primary Parent Information

Secondary Parent Information (Optional)

  1. Q: What am I creating an account for? A: ActStudios, this is a useful website that is continuing to grow providing you feedback, features, information and services from ActStudios.

Terms and Conditions

  1. We undertake to provide lessons designed to the best of our abilities to improve your child’s confidence and communication skills through drama training.
  2. We do this on the understanding that you will see that your child’s attendance is regular and punctual.
  3. Classes start in the last week of January and finish the last week of November.
  4. For the rest of the year drama starts on the first day of term and ends in the last week (no lessons on break up days)
  5. There will be no class on any public holiday and we don’t make up lessons for public holidays. Lessons missed by the child will be forfeited.
  6. Any classes missed by the teachers will be made up by Act Studios.
  7. I, the parent of the enrolled child, hereby give consent that my child’s information may be processed for use in the Act Studios Databases. (We do not share this information with any third parties except in the case of legal action for outstanding fees.)
  8. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Act Studios and its employees, individually and collectively, from and against all costs, losses, claims, actions, payments and judgments, including legal and attorney fees, arising from personal or bodily injuries or property damage, brought against any of the above, that may arise for any reason from or during or be alleged to be caused by the undersigned's children’s attendance at any activity hosted by Act studios. Act Studios will take all necessary precautions to ensure the children’s safety.
  9. I accept that group photos that include my child are occasionally used on promotional material or on Act Studios Facebook pages. (we do not use your child’s names unless it is for the newspaper, then we will specifically ask your permission.)
  10. I will indicate in writing if my child may not appear in group photos. (non-acceptance, may affect participation in some activities)
  11. Fees are paid Annually, per term or half termly.(Monthly payments by special arrangement)
  12. Discount of 5% given on fees paid annually.
  13. Discount of 5% is given to siblings.
  14. Fees MUST be paid on receipt of invoice.
  15. No payment – no lesson.
  16. One calendar month’s written notice is required if not provided you will be liable for one month’s tuition fees. In the event of failure to settle any accounts, you will be liable for all legal costs, commissions and tracing fees.
  17. Invoices, statements and any other communication will be done via email.
  18. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes in email addresses or cell phone numbers.
  19. We are not an accredited credit provider, thus all accounts must be settled according to the terms mentioned above.
  20. I the parent of the enrolled child hereby acknowledge that all the information that I have provided is accurate and true. I give consent that all my information may be processed and may be forwarded to any third party for legal purposes.
  21. All of the above applies for the duration of the child's enrolment